Ext JS + jQTouch + Raphaël = Sencha

Abraham Elias writes;

Ext JS is now Sencha. Exciting things are happening! Today, we’re combining forces with the jQTouch and Raphaël projects, changing our company name to Sencha, and moving our web address from www.extjs.com to www.sencha.com.

jQTouch and Raphaël are the leading open source projects in their areas, and we’re incredibly excited to have their creators, David Kaneda and Dmitry Baranovskiy, joining with the Ext JS team to form Sencha. We believe these collaborations will lead to some spectacular new things in the weeks and months ahead. Stay tuned for this. You won’t have to wait too long, I promise!

We believe that rich graphics and touch support will become essential Ajax framework components over the next few years. If you’ve been following our recent blog posts on HTML5, you’ll know that not only do HTML5 and CSS3 bring significant capabilities to rich internet applications, but that this is already arriving on mobile devices (in fact, it’s already here).

Sencha is the new name of our company, as well as a variety of Japanese green tea.

Why Sencha?

We’re choosing Sencha as our name because it evokes next-generation software development and it’s easy to remember, spell and pronounce. Sencha — the name of a popular Japanese green tea — is in the tradition of Java, and represents a new level of development. It feels memorable to us. We hope you like it too.

The roadmaps for Ext JS, Ext GWT, Designer, Direct etc. don’t change as a result of this. We’re very excited about the new things in Ext JS 4.0 and the rest of the product line. Some of the individual product names might evolve in the future (for example, we’re thinking of renaming Ext Designer to Sencha Designer), but don’t expect any major or immediate changes here.

via  Sencha Blog — JavaScript Framework and RIA Platform.

Generate the WSDL file from a class using a Zend component

Matthew Weier O’Phinney answers a very common question;

“Is there a way to generate the WSDL file from a class using a Zend component?”

Yes — via Zend_Soap_Autodiscover:


A typical workflow is to do the following:

if ('GET' == $_SERVER['HTTP_METHOD']) {
$server = new Zend_Soap_Autodiscover();
} else {
$server = new Zend_Soap_Server();

echo $server->handle();

Basically, you handle GET requests as a request for the WSDL, and anything else as a SOAP request.

Adding Zend_Cache to Flex/Flash Builder 4 Projects

I have som rather large and time consuming queries running in the Statistics screen of an NOC (Network Operations Center) Flex/Flash Builder 4 application i’we been tinkering with, to prevent the database server to be boggen down by multiple queries fired by this app in multiple places I had to implement caching.

And to do this is alot easier than it might sound like especially for the (PHP) Zend_AMF based services.

Once you have setup your Data Centric client/server  connection like it’s described in this Article @ DevZone you begin by editing the gateway.php;

// Store configuration in the registry
Zend_Registry::set("amf-config", $amf);

// Configure Zend_Cache
$frontendOptions = array(
'lifetime' => 12*3600,
'automatic_serialization' => true,
'default_options' => array(
'cache_with_get_variables' => true,
'cache_with_post_variables' => true,
'cache_with_session_variables' => true,
'cache_with_files_variables' => true,
'cache_with_cookie_variables' => true,
'make_id_with_get_variables' => true,
'make_id_with_post_variables' => true,
'make_id_with_session_variables' => true,
'make_id_with_files_variables' => true,
'make_id_with_cookie_variables' => true
$backendOptions = array(
'cache_dir' => '/tmp/'

$cache = Zend_Cache::factory('Core', 'File', $frontendOptions, $backendOptions);

// Store cache configuration in the registry
Zend_Registry::set("cache", $cache);

Then modify your service class to look similar to this;

public function getCustomerStatsByMonth() {
// Get the Cache from Registry
$cache = Zend_Registry::get("cache");
$id = 'getCustomerStatsByMonth';
if(!($rows = $cache->load($id)))
// We didnt find anything in the cache so lets get it from DB
$stmt = mysqli_prepare($this->connection, "SELECT
SUBSTR(FROM_UNIXTIME(`cdrs`.`start`),1,7) AS `month`,
ROUND(SUM(`cdrs`.`talktime`)/60) AS `minutes`,
COUNT(`cdrs`.`start`) AS `calls`
INNER JOIN es.cdrs
ON (outgroups.id = cdrs.outgroup)
INNER JOIN es.customers
ON (customers.id = cdrs.scustomer)
WHERE (outgroups.name_invoices LIKE 'Sweden%' AND cdrs.start > UNIX_TIMESTAMP('2010-01-01 00:00:00') AND cdrs.status = 'answer' AND cdrs.talktime > 0 AND custome\
rs.parent IN (7,42))
GROUP BY customers.id,SUBSTR(FROM_UNIXTIME(`cdrs`.`start`),1,7),outgroups.name_invoices
ORDER BY SUBSTR(FROM_UNIXTIME(`cdrs`.`start`),1,7),outgroups.name_invoices;");


$rows = array();

mysqli_stmt_bind_result($stmt, $row->name, $row->month, $row->name_invoices, $row->minutes, $row->calls);

while (mysqli_stmt_fetch($stmt)) {
$row->month = new DateTime($row->month.'-01 00:00:00');
$rows[] = $row;
$row = new stdClass();
mysqli_stmt_bind_result($stmt, $row->name, $row->month, $row->name_invoices, $row->minutes, $row->calls);

// Save collected rows into the cache
return $rows;

Your queries will now be cached after the first time you run them for the specified amount of time (TTL), and boom you’re done. If you require the update function in your service classes to purge the cache simply insert;

// To remove or invalidate in particular cache id, you can use the remove() method :

Read more about cache cleaning in the Zend Cache reference.

Hope this little article helps and please comment if you guys have better suggestions.
(Yes I know I can use APC & Memcached, but in this example I didnt have to 🙂 )

Danny Froberg

Acceptance Test-Driven Development

Giorgio Sironi writes an interesting TDD story; I am halfway through reading Growing object-oriented software, guided by tests, a book that teaches Test-Driven Development in a Java environment. A review will come soon, since the process described in this work is really language-agnostic and interesting also for php developers.

However, the book’s authors introduce a very productive practice, which consists in a double cycle of TDD:

* a longer cycle, where you write acceptance (aka end-to-end) tests, deriving them from the user stories or formal requirements, and make them pass;

* a shorter cycle contained in the first, which happens in the phase when an acceptance test is red: you write unit tests and make them pass until the related acceptance test does not fail anymore.

Read complete story @ PHP Zone.

Zend Framework + Doctrine 1 Integration

Benjamin Eberlei writes; Hello everyone,

I completed a first version of Zend + Doctrine 1 integration today and want to share it with all you. Since currently the status on a 1.11 release is unclear I contacted all the contributors to various Doctrine-related components and combined them into a single release and wrote some documentation on all the different parts and how they relate to each other.


The code is under the New BSD License. There is a comprehensive getting started guide shipped with the Github Project.

The following parts are included in this release:

  • Application Resource contributed by Matt Lurz
  • Dynamic Form Generation contributed by Jani Hartikainen
  • Paginator Adapter contributed by Matt Lurz and Juozas Kaziukenas
  • Zend Tool Provider and modular Zend Project Style Support

Thanks to all the contributors and various other people that contributed ideas and code.

For any feedback regarding this integration, you can use the issue tracker on Github.

This release depends on Doctrine 1.2.2 to allow model code-generation from YAML files that supports Zend Framework Modular projects and their directory structure.

Most of the current glue code out there is made obsolete by generating Models that follow the Zend Framework naming conventions, into Zend Framework models/ directories. Additionally there is also support for modular applications whose model classes should follow the PEAR naming schema.

Additionally the dynamic form support allows to create simple forms that allow to create and edit Doctrine_Record instances and their relations.

This is a great help to rapidly prototype admin forms (however support for more complex forms is not yet included).

Since both projects are currently very focused on their 2.0 releases, this release aims to glue all the existing code for Doctrine 1.x and Zend Framework integration 1.x together, giving them a platform to flourish.


Talk: PHP Best Practices – Matthew Weier O’Phinney and Lorna Jane Mitchell

Writing maintainable code is an art that takes effort and practice to master.
Part of that art is learning what tools and strategies will assist you in that effort. In this tutorial, we will cover a variety of practices and tools that can make your life, and the lives of your team members, easier as you develop your applications. Among them, we will provide overviews of:

  • Version Control
  • Coding Standards
  • Unit Testing basics
  • QA tools: phpcs, phploc, phpmd, continuous integration, and more
  • Team Collaboration tools, such as Skype, IRC, issue trackers, and more

via Talk: PHP Best Practices – Joind.in.

Accessing Bootstrap Resources from Anywhere

Aleksey V. Zapparov posts a very nice solution to a very common question when dealing with Bootstrap resources;

You can either register precious resources in registry, e.g.:

protected function _initMyResource()
$res = 'foobar';
Zend_Registry::set('myResource', $res);
return $res;

Or you can register the whole bootstrap, so you can place in it’s constructor, something like this:

public function __construct($application) {
Zend_Registry::set('Bootstrap', $this);

So later you’ll be able to access resources via:

$res = Zend_Registry::get('myResource');


$res = Zend_Registry::get('Bootstrap')->getResource('MyResource');

And there is another way to get your bootstrapper from almost

$bootstrap = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance()->getParam('bootstrap');
$resource = $bootstrap->getResource('MyResource');

Sincerely yours,
Aleksey V. Zapparov A.K.A. ixti

Zend Framework Class to retreive your RSS feeds used in Google Reader

Rémi Goyard wrote a nice little class to access your Google Reader Feeds take a peek below, he says;

I finally wrote my own class to retreive data from my Google reader Account (stared items, shared items, …)
The class needs some more work.

< ?php /** * Class to retreive your rss feeds used in Google Reader * thanks to : * @see http://www.niallkennedy.com/blog/2005/12/google-reader-api.html * @see http://code.google.com/p/pyrfeed/wiki/GoogleReaderAPI * * @author Rémi Goyard * @category Core * @package Core_Gdata * @subpackage Gdata * @copyright Rémi Goyard * @license http://framework.zend.com/license/new-bsd New BSD License * @version 0.1 */ /** * Zend_Gdata_HttpClient */ require_once 'Zend/Http/Client.php'; /** * Zend_Version */ require_once 'Zend/Version.php'; class Core_Gdata_Reader{ /** * The Google client login URI */ const CLIENTLOGIN_URI = 'https://www.google.com/accounts/ClientLogin'; /** * The default 'source' parameter to send to Google */ const DEFAULT_SOURCE = 'Zend-ZendFramework-Google-Reader 1.0/Zend'; /** * The Google reader Base URI */ const GOOGLE_READER_BASE_URI = "http://www.google.com/reader/"; /** * Default Google Reader Actions */ private $GOOGLE_READER_ACTIONS = array( "subscriptions" =>"atom/user/[USERID]/pref/com.google/subscriptions",
"starred" =>"atom/user/[USERID]/state/com.google/starred",
"shared" => "atom/user/[USERID]/state/com.google/broadcast",
"broadcast" => "atom/user/[USERID]/state/com.google/broadcast",
"read" => "atom/user/[USERID]/state/com.google/read",
"reading-list" => "atom/user/[USERID]/state/com.google/reading-list",
"tag" => "atom/user/[USERID]/label/[TAG]"

* Default Params
private $_defaultParams = array("n"=>20);

const SERVICE_NAME = "reader";

private $_userID = "";
private $_email = "";
private $_password = "";

* @var Zend_Http_Client
private $_client = null;

* @param string $email
* @param string $password
* @param string $userID
public function __construct($email, $password, $userID){
if (! ($email && $password && $userID)) {
require_once 'Zend/Exception.php';
throw new Zend_Exception(
'Please set your Google credentials before trying to ' .
$this->_email = $email;
$this->_password = $password;
$this->_userID = $userID;

private function _setHttpClient()
if (! ($this->_email && $this->_password)) {
require_once 'Zend/Exception.php';
throw new Zend_Exception(
'Please set your Google credentials before trying to ' .
$this->_client = new Zend_Http_Client();
$this->_client->setParameterPost("Email", $this->_email);
$this->_client->setParameterPost("Passwd", $this->_password);
$this->_client->setParameterPost("Service", self::SERVICE_NAME);
'maxredirects' => 0,
'strictredirects' => true,
'useragent' => self::DEFAULT_SOURCE.Zend_Version::VERSION
$response = $this->_client->request();
if($response->getStatus() == 200){
foreach (explode("\n", $response->getBody()) as $l) {
$l = chop($l);
if ($l) {
list($key, $val) = explode('=', chop($l), 2);
$this->_client->setCookie($key,$val );
return true;
$this->_client = null;
require_once 'Zend/Exception.php';
throw new Zend_Exception('Authentication Error got Response Code : '.$response->getStatus());

* Import Atom Feed
* @param String $type request type
* @param Array $params request params
* @return Zend_Feed_Abstract
public function import($type, $params = array())
if(array_key_exists($type, $this->GOOGLE_READER_ACTIONS)){
if(! empty($params)){$this->_defaultParams = $params;}
// TODO : TAG ...
// TODO : manage POST actions
$urlId = str_replace("[USERID]", $this->_userID, $this->GOOGLE_READER_ACTIONS[$type] );
$url = self::GOOGLE_READER_BASE_URI.$urlId;
require_once 'Zend/Feed.php';
return Zend_Feed::import($url);
require_once 'Zend/Exception.php';
throw new Zend_Exception('The action '.$type.' does not exists or is not yet implemented');

MySQL does support preparing some DDL statements, However…

Bill Karwin gives some insight into some work arounds when creating functions, triggers and procedures using Zend Framework;

MySQL does support preparing some DDL statements, even in older versions. See http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/sql-syntax-prepared-statements.html
for lists of what statements can be prepared.

However, some DDL statements are still not supported as prepared statements, for example CREATE FUNCTION, CREATE TRIGGER, CREATE PROCEDURE.

DELIMITER is not supported as an executable statement at all, whether you prepare it or whether you do an immediate execute. Statements like DELIMITER, PAGER, SOURCE, CONNECT, and QUIT and others are builtins of the mysql command-line client. These commands are not recognized by the MySQL server.

You need to set the DELIMITER only if you’re running the CREATE FUNCTION statement in an SQL script. The default API for SQL statements does not support multiple statements per call. So you don’t have to delimit statements and you don’t have to change the delimiter.

So Nils’s solution should be the following:

1. Don’t worry about DELIMITER, you don’t need it.

2. You must DROP and CREATE in two separate statements.

3. Bypass the default ZF query method. Go directly to the
PDO::query() method when you execute a statement that isn’t preparable. You can access the PDO object using the getConnection() method of your ZF Db adapter:

$db->getConnection()->query( $drop_function_statement );
$db->getConnection()->query( $create_function_statement );

Bill Karwin