Splash screen with FXG in Mobile applications with Flash Builder for PHP

ahillman3 on Stack Overflow wrote this (and won my hero of the day award); OK, the primary focus for your solution is the preloader attribute on a mobile application. See the preloader=”CustomSplashScreen” below:

< ?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

The CustomSplashScreen extends and overrides the spark.preloaders.SplashScreen class, and the getImageClass function.


import mx.core.DPIClassification;
import mx.core.mx_internal;

import spark.preloaders.SplashScreen;

use namespace mx_internal;
public class CustomSplashScreen extends SplashScreen

public function CustomSplashScreen()

override mx_internal function getImageClass(dpi:Number, aspectRatio:String):Class
return Class(splash);

The splash in the return Class(splash), is a simple fxg file, like so:

< ?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

That’s all there is to it. Have fun!

— Allen

via .

Flex wrappers for MadComponents

Daniel Freeman writes; I’ve had feedback from a few developers wanting a way to combine MadComponents with Flash Builder 4.5 for mobile.  I intended MadComponents as a lighweight alternative to using the Flex framework.  So while I don’t really like the idea of mixing them – it’s certainly possible to incorporate MadComponents within an MXML layout.  All it takes is a few custom component wrappers.

Note: I’ve now put the code for these wrappers into the SVN code repository.

Note: I’ve now put the code for these wrappers into the SVN code repository.

via MobileAppDev.

Flex mobile in the browser

Flex mobile in the browserSince Flex 4.5, you have had the ability to develop and export your projects as Android, iOS and PlayBook mobile applications that behave as native ones.

You can also export your Flex mobile project as AIR desktop apps. Just open Flash builder, open your project and choose Project >  Export release build. You can then export a “Signed AIR package for installation on desktop”, which means a classic .air file. Yesterday, a customer wanted to know how to run a Flex mobile application in a desktop web browser. Of course, I answered “Why would you do this ?”, and he gave me some good reasons.

His mobile application is connected to a CMS on the backend. Administrators of the application will be able to edit the content of the mobiles apps in a web application. Wouldn’t it be nice to get a live preview in the browser ? When you think of it, a Flex mobile project exports a SWF, so we should be able to run it as a web app. Of course, all the AIR APIs such as the accelerometer, or the SQLite access would be disabled, but we could have a live preview.

And it’s always a challenge for a mobile developer to demonstrate their work. Usually, they just record and publish a video of their app.

We’ll see in this tutorial how to create a Flex mobile project with Flash Builder 4.5.1, and how to publish it as a classic web application. Just follow these steps:

via Flex mobile in the browser | RIAgora.