JavaScript, CSS, HTML Frameworks and Tools

Greg posted a very useful list of resources; One of the challenges in the world of HTML/JavaScript/CSS app development is cobbling together your kitchen sink of frameworks, tools and other technologies. When you start looking around, it feels like there is an endless list of options, which is good and bad!  Recently, I’ve been gathering a list of what’s popular these days and thought it might be useful for others to share. If you see anything obvious missing, please let me know.  Thanks to the following for helping me put together this list: Ray Camden, Andy Trice, Philip Wilson, Christophe Coenraets, Piotr Walczyszyn, and James Brown.

In no particular order:

via Gregs Ramblings.

Zend Framework + Doctrine 1 Integration

Benjamin Eberlei writes; Hello everyone,

I completed a first version of Zend + Doctrine 1 integration today and want to share it with all you. Since currently the status on a 1.11 release is unclear I contacted all the contributors to various Doctrine-related components and combined them into a single release and wrote some documentation on all the different parts and how they relate to each other.

The code is under the New BSD License. There is a comprehensive getting started guide shipped with the Github Project.

The following parts are included in this release:

  • Application Resource contributed by Matt Lurz
  • Dynamic Form Generation contributed by Jani Hartikainen
  • Paginator Adapter contributed by Matt Lurz and Juozas Kaziukenas
  • Zend Tool Provider and modular Zend Project Style Support

Thanks to all the contributors and various other people that contributed ideas and code.

For any feedback regarding this integration, you can use the issue tracker on Github.

This release depends on Doctrine 1.2.2 to allow model code-generation from YAML files that supports Zend Framework Modular projects and their directory structure.

Most of the current glue code out there is made obsolete by generating Models that follow the Zend Framework naming conventions, into Zend Framework models/ directories. Additionally there is also support for modular applications whose model classes should follow the PEAR naming schema.

Additionally the dynamic form support allows to create simple forms that allow to create and edit Doctrine_Record instances and their relations.

This is a great help to rapidly prototype admin forms (however support for more complex forms is not yet included).

Since both projects are currently very focused on their 2.0 releases, this release aims to glue all the existing code for Doctrine 1.x and Zend Framework integration 1.x together, giving them a platform to flourish.


Accessing Bootstrap Resources from Anywhere

Aleksey V. Zapparov posts a very nice solution to a very common question when dealing with Bootstrap resources;

You can either register precious resources in registry, e.g.:

protected function _initMyResource()
$res = 'foobar';
Zend_Registry::set('myResource', $res);
return $res;

Or you can register the whole bootstrap, so you can place in it’s constructor, something like this:

public function __construct($application) {
Zend_Registry::set('Bootstrap', $this);

So later you’ll be able to access resources via:

$res = Zend_Registry::get('myResource');


$res = Zend_Registry::get('Bootstrap')->getResource('MyResource');

And there is another way to get your bootstrapper from almost

$bootstrap = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance()->getParam('bootstrap');
$resource = $bootstrap->getResource('MyResource');

Sincerely yours,
Aleksey V. Zapparov A.K.A. ixti

A Simple Resource Injector for ZF Action Controllers

Matthew Weier O’Phinney writes a very useful article about resource injection; Brandon Savage approached me with an interesting issue regarding ZF bootstrap resources, and accessing them in your action controllers. Basically, he’d like to see any resource initialized by the bootstrap immediately available as simply a public member of his action controller.

So, for instance, if you were using the “DB” resource in your application, your controller could access it via $this->db.

I quickly drafted up a proof of concept for him using an action helper:

class My_ResourceInjector extends Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_Abstract
protected $_resources;

public function __construct(array $resources = array())
$this->_resources = $resources;

public function preDispatch()
$bootstrap = $this->getBootstrap();
$controller = $this->getActionController();
foreach ($this->_resources as $name) {
if ($bootstrap->hasResource($name)) {
$controller->$name = $bootstrap->getResource($name);

public function getBootstrap()
return $this->getFrontController()->getParam('bootstrap');

In this action helper, you would specify the specific resources you want injected via the $_resources property – which would be values you pass in. Each resource name would then be checked against those available in the bootstrap, and, if found, injected into the action controller as a property of the same name.

You would initialize it in your bootstrap:

class Bootstrap extends Zend_Application_Bootstrap_Bootstrap
protected function _initResourceInjector()
new My_ResourceInjector(array(

The above would map three resources: “db”, “layout”, and “navigation”. This means you can refer to them directly as properties in your controllers:

class FooController extends Zend_Controller_Action
public function barAction()
$model = $this->getModel();
'model' => $this->model,
'navigation' => $this->navigation,

// ...

This approach leads to some nice brevity — you no longer need to fetch the bootstrap from the instantiation arguments, and then fetch the resource.

I thought about it some more, and realized that there’s a few problems: How do you know what is being injected from within the controller? How do you control what is being injected.

So, I revised it to pull the expected dependencies from the action controller itself…

Read the complete article here A Simple Resource Injector for ZF Action Controllers.

Easy command line scripts with Zend Application

David Caunt wrote up a useful article on command line scripting;

As PHP developers, it is convenient to be able to write command line scripts in PHP. In doing so, you will almost certainly want access to Zend Framework components and their configurations as if you are writing a normal MVC app, but without invoking the MVC stack and without loading unnecessary resources. I’ve seen solutions where actions are exposed as controller actions and called by wget – these are counter-intuitive, inefficient, and will suffer from max execution timeouts and other problems.

Zend_Applicaton to the rescue

Lets start with our website’s public/index.php – the script which sets up and launches an application. It looks roughly like this:

full article here; Easy command line scripts with Zend Application.