Designing applications for cloud deployment

Gojko Adzic wrote a GREAT articles about a few very good points to take into consideration as you plan application or infrastructure deployment on to the Cloud;

During the last two years, I was involved in several projects deployed on the Amazon cloud. Being a relatively early adopter was a fantastic experience that provided lots of opportunities to burn my fingers and learn from mistakes. It also seriously challenged my view of scalable software architectures. I spoke about key lessons learned at CloudCamp London last week – here is the summary of that presentation.

Before I start, I’d like to point out that judging from this post it might seem that I have a negative view of cloud deployments, but nothing could be further from the truth. I have many nice things to say about the cloud, but lots of other presenters at CloudCamp do that all the time. I wanted to play the devil’s advocate a bit and expose some of the things that you won’t necessarily find in marketing materials.

via Gojko Adzic » Designing applications for cloud deployment.