Running ZendServerGateway on the embedded PHP 5.4 Server

Michael Andrew Davidson writes; So you have discovered ZendServerGateway and you are like, “Wow, this makes web services easy”. However, you quickly discover that there is a little magic behind the scenes, and that this add-on works best within the context of Zend Server 6. That can be a little frustrating, especially if you or your organization does not use Zend Server 6. Never fear, there is a way around this “implied” requirement. In just a moment I will walk the reader through setting up the embedded PHP 5.4 webserver to utilize the ZendServerGateway. All the steps should easily translate to whatever environment you use for serving your PHP pages. I am going to assume a Window environment for development.

read the rest Michael Andrew Davidson’s Blog.

PHP: Type Hinting – Manual

Found this little Gem today by  Daniel dot L dot Wood at Gmail dot Com;

People often ask about scalar/basic typehints.  Here is a drop in class that I use in my MVC framework that will enable typehints through the use of a custom error handler.

Note: You should include this code above all other code in your include headers and if you are the using set_error_handler() function you should be aware that this uses it as well.  You may need to chain your set_error_handlers()

1) Because people are sick of using the is_* functions to validate parameters.
2) Reduction of redundant coding for defensive coders.
3) Functions/Methods are self defining/documenting as to required input.

Follow the discussion for typehints in PHP 6.0 on the PHP Internals boards.

[cc lang=”php”]
< ?php define('TYPEHINT_PCRE' ,'/^Argument (\d)+ passed to (?:(\w+)::)?(\w+)\(\) must be an instance of (\w+), (\w+) given/'); class Typehint { private static $Typehints = array( 'boolean' => ‘is_bool’,
‘integer’ => ‘is_int’,
‘float’ => ‘is_float’,
‘string’ => ‘is_string’,
‘resrouce’ => ‘is_resource’

private function __Constrct() {}

public static function initializeHandler()


return TRUE;

private static function getTypehintedArgument($ThBackTrace, $ThFunction, $ThArgIndex, &$ThArgValue)

foreach ($ThBackTrace as $ThTrace)

// Match the function; Note we could do more defensive error checking.
if (isset($ThTrace[‘function’]) && $ThTrace[‘function’] == $ThFunction)

$ThArgValue = $ThTrace[‘args’][$ThArgIndex – 1];

return TRUE;

return FALSE;

public static function handleTypehint($ErrLevel, $ErrMessage)


if (preg_match(TYPEHINT_PCRE, $ErrMessage, $ErrMatches))

list($ErrMatch, $ThArgIndex, $ThClass, $ThFunction, $ThHint, $ThType) = $ErrMatches;

if (isset(self::$Typehints[$ThHint]))

$ThBacktrace = debug_backtrace();
$ThArgValue = NULL;

if (self::getTypehintedArgument($ThBacktrace, $ThFunction, $ThArgIndex, $ThArgValue))

if (call_user_func(self::$Typehints[$ThHint], $ThArgValue))

return TRUE;

return FALSE;
An are some examples of the class in use:
[cc lang=”php”]
< ?php function teststring(string $string) { echo $string; } function testinteger(integer $integer) { echo $integer; } function testfloat(float $float) { echo $float; } // This will work for class methods as well. ?>

You get the picture..
via PHP: Type Hinting – Manual.

Connecting to through Zend Studio 9 is the landing page for our new cloud offering.  Using the Zend Application Fabric you can build your applications in the same environment as you will be deploying your apps to.  The application is built on and you can then deploy it onto any platform where the Fabric is supported.

But how do you get started? has been built in a way where you can connect with any IDE.  With Zend Studio 9 that connectivity has been built directly in to the IDE.

Getting started is actually quite easy.

via Read here for the full details.

File uploads with Adobe Flex and Zend AMF

Leonardo França writes; Zend AMF is an implementation done in PHP to work with the communication protocol binary AMF (Action Message Format) and is part of ZendFramework. I had to implement a system to upload files that were a little different than what is typically used in Flash, with this feature had to be integrated into the Zend AMF.
Researching a little on the net, found a solution that was simpler than I thought based on that article with a few adjustments.
Begin with our gateway to be used as endpoint in Adobe Flex.

< ?php require_once 'Zend/Amf/Server.php'; require_once 'Zend/Amf/Exception.php'; require_once 'br/com/leonardofranca/vo/FileVO.php'; require_once 'br/com/leonardofranca/UploadZendAMF.php'; $server = new Zend_Amf_Server(); $server->setProduction(false);



Read more at; File uploads with Adobe Flex and Zend AMF – Workflow: Flash.

Flex Builder 4.5.x Test Drive for Mobile Tutorials

Here is a very good multi-part tutorial on the ins and outs of mobile client / server development, that adds some quite useful functionality on Android, Apple IOS and Blackberry mobile devices.

In this Test Drive, you are going to create a Flex mobile application that retrieves, displays, and modifies database records (see Figure 1). A Flex application does not connect directly to a remote database. Instead, you connect it to a data service written in your favorite web language (PHP, ColdFusion, Java, or any other server-side technology). You will build the front-end Flex mobile application; the database and the server-side code to manipulate database records is provided for you as a PHP class, a ColdFusion component, or Java classes.

The Mobile Test Drive application running on a mobile device.

Figure 1. The Mobile Test Drive application running on a mobile device.

via Adobe Developer Connection.

Data paging with Flex and PHP using Flash Builder 4.5.x

Flash Builder 4.5 has a built-in data paging feature that generates ActionScript code to retrieve data from the database incrementally on demand. For example, suppose your database has thousands of records and you want to fetch only 20 rows at a time and display them in a data grid. When you enable paging for an operation and bind the operation result to a DataGrid control, the first 20 records will be retrieved initially and the next page of records is fetched only when the user requests them—that is, when he or she scrolls the vertical scroll bar of the DataGrid control.

Flash Builder 4.5 lets you enable paging for any type of data service operation including operations on a Remoting service, web service, or HTTP service. This article explains how to enable data paging for a PHP-based Remoting service. After you set up the server environment required for the sample application, you’ll use Flash Builder 4.5 to generate ActionScript service classes and build a Flex application that incrementally retrieves data sets from a database table using the PHP class on the server.

via Adobe Developer Connection.

Encrypt session data in PHP

Zimuel writes; As promised in my last post I present an example of strong cryptography in PHP to secure session data.
This is a very simple implementation that can be used to improve the security of PHP applications especially in shared environments where different users have access to the same resources. As you know, the PHP session data are managed by default using temporary files. In shared environment a malicious user that is able to access to these temporary files can easly read the session data because they are stored in plaintext (data in a session file is theserialization of the array $_SESSION).
In theory, the session data should be stored in folders that are accessible only by the owner of the web site, but never say never (btw, you can manage the location of the session data using the session_save_path function or changing the session.save_path in the php.ini).

To secure the session data I used strong cryptography to encrypt the content using the mcrypt extension of PHP. I chosen the simmetric cipher AES (Rijandel-256) to encrypt the session data and the openssl_random_pseudo_bytes() function to generate a random key of 256 bit.
The idea is to use a cookie variable to store the key that will be used to encrypt the session data. In this way the key is stored only in the client (the browser) and only the client is able to decrypt the session data on the server. Each time we encrypt the session data we re-generate the IV vector in a random way using the mcrypt_create_iv() function. It is very important to generate a unique IV in each encryption. This best practice increase the security of the encryption algorithm.
It’s important to note that this implementation is not secure against session hijacking attack. If someone is able to capture the cookie variable of a client and have access to the temporary session files, in the server, he/she will be able to decrypt the session data. Our goal is to protect session data against attacks on shared environments.

The idea to encrypt the session data is not new, for instance Chris Shiflett proposed an implementation in his book “Essential PHP Security” (O’Reilly, 2006). Shiflett used a $_SERVER variable to store the key used to encrypt the session data. Kevin Schroeder, my colleague at Zend Technologies, implemented a very similar session encryption algorithm extending the Zend_Session class of Zend Framework (you can find it here). In my solution, I used some of the best practices related to strong cryptography to implement a secure session handler.

Below the source code of my implementation:

Full class @ Zimuel’s blog.


Zimuel writes; Last friday, in occasion of the April Zend Framework Bug-Hunt, I started to look at this bug: ZF-3257. This is an issue related to the Zend_Json class that occurs during the conversion from XML to JSON for some specific XML documents, like this one:

$xml= 'bar';

The result using Zend_Json::fromXml($xml, false) , where false indicated the usage of XML attributes, was:


As you can see the bar value, of the a element, is not represented in JSON. This issue comes also with other XML documents, and in general when an XML node has a single character data child, any attributes are lost.

For instance, the following code:

$xml = 'bar';
echo Zend_Json::fromXml($xml, false);

Produced the output:


in this case the attribute id and the value foo are lost.
Find a solution @ Zimuel’s blog.

Create daemons in PHP


Kevin van Zonneveld wrote a life saving article that saved me quite a bit of time; Everyone knows PHP can be used to create websites. But it can also be used to create desktop applications and commandline tools. And now with a class called System_Daemon, you can even create daemons using nothing but PHP. And did I mention it was easy?

What is a Daemon?

A daemon is a Linux program that run in the background, just like a ‘Service‘ on Windows. It can perform all sorts of tasks that do not require direct user input. Apache is a daemon, so is MySQL. All you ever hear from them is found in somewhere in /var/log, yet they silently power over 40% of the Internet.

You reading this page, would not have been possible without them. So clearly: a daemon is a powerful thing, and can be bend to do a lot of different tasks.

Why PHP?

Most daemons are written in C. It’s fast & robust. But if you are in a LAMP oriented company like me, and you need to create a lot of software in PHP anyway, it makes sense:

  • Reuse & connect existing code Think of database connections, classes that create customers from your CRM, etc.
  • Deliver new applications very fast PHP has a lot of build in functions that speed up development greatly.
  • Everyone knows PHP (right?) If you work in a small company: chances are there are more PHP programmers than there are C programmers. What if your C guy abandons ship? Admittedly it’s a very pragmatic reason, but it’s the same reason why Facebook is building HipHop.

Read the full article here >>Create daemons in PHP.

Usage of the Conditional Ternary operator to reduce brace and newline waste when processing optional method parameters

ralphschindler writes; Usage of the Conditional Ternary operator to reduce brace and newline waste when processing optional method parameters

< ?php class Coordinate { protected $x; protected $y; public function __construct($x = null, $y = null) { (empty($x)) ?: $this->setX($x);
(empty($y)) ?: $this->setY($y);

/* What we're trying to replace
public function __construct($x = null, $y = null)
if ($x) {
if ($y) {

public function setX($x)
$this->x = $x;
public function setY($y)
$this->y = $y;

via Gist.