Shine MP3 Encoder on Alchemy

Shine (formely 8hz-MP3) is a simple lightweight C-based MP3 encoder made by LAME developer Gabriel Bouvigne.

Description of Shine on his website:

The goal of this encoder was not quality, but simplicity. I tryed to simplify the encoding process as much as possible. So Shine is then a good starting point when a programmer needs a very simple MP3 encoder

This Alchemy port features:

  • MP3 encoding of mono and stereo WAVs (no time limit)
  • non-blocking encoding for progress status in flash
  • errors automatically sent to flash for easy log/debug

via flash-kikko.

Helper class to write WAV formated audio files. The class expects audio input data in a byte array with samples represented as floats.

The default compressed code is set to PCM. The class resamples and formats the audio samples according to the class properties. The resampling geared for performance and not quality, for best quality use sampling rates that divide/multiple into the desired output samplingRate.

For more information about the WAVE file format see:

via – ghostcat – AS3 library of generic tools