Zend_Log with multiple writers

eschrader writes; So I was sitting here thinking to myself “This is Friday and I’m not getting much of anything done.  Maybe I should write another Friday Framework Highlight.”  I figured that it was a good idea so I pondered what I should write.  I came up blank and so I asked Matthew Weier O’Phinney.  “Multiple writers for Zend_Log,” he said.  I agreed.

If you were not aware, Zend_Log provides facilities for writing to multiple logs through the same log instance.  Additionally, you can do this via configuration options when using a Zend_Applicatin resource plugin.  Together those make for very powerful logging mechanisms.  “How?” you ask?  It’s really easy.  Take your application.ini file, which you use to configure your Zend_Application instance, and make it look something like this.  I’ll highlight the pertinent parts

phpSettings.display_startup_errors = 0
phpSettings.display_errors = 0
includePaths.library = APPLICATION_PATH "/../library"
bootstrap.path = APPLICATION_PATH "/Bootstrap.php"
resources.frontController.controllerDirectory = APPLICATION_PATH "/controllers"
resources.frontController.params.displayExceptions = 0
resources.log.stream.writerName = "Stream"
resources.log.stream.writerParams.stream = APPLICATION_PATH "/logs/application.log"
resources.log.stream.writerParams.mode = "a"
resources.log.stream.filterName = "Priority"
resources.log.stream.filterParams.priority = 4

[development : production]
phpSettings.display_startup_errors = 1
phpSettings.display_errors = 1
resources.log.stream.filterParams.priority = 7
resources.frontController.params.displayExceptions = 1
resources.log.firebug.writerName = "FireBug"
resources.log.firebug.filterName = "Priority"
resources.log.firebug.filterParams.priority = 7

What this does is say that “in production, log warnings and above to the log file, but in development, log debug to the log file AND send the log items to FirePHP.”  Then, in our index controller we put this:

class IndexController extends Zend_Controller_Action

public function indexAction()
$this->getInvokeArg('bootstrap')->log->debug("I'm at indexAction");


When we execute this code we get both the output in the application log

$ tail -f application.log
2010-09-10T16:27:25-05:00 DEBUG (7): I'm at indexAction

and in the Firebug log

X-Wf-Protocol-1            http://meta.wildfirehq.org/Protocol/JsonStream/0.2
X-Wf-1-Structure-1    http://meta.firephp.org/Wildfire/Structure/FirePHP/FirebugConsole/0.1
X-Wf-1-Plugin-1            http://meta.firephp.org/Wildfire/Plugin/ZendFramework/FirePHP/1.6.2
X-Wf-1-1-1-1            122|[{"Type":"LOG","File":"C:\\workspace\\Test\\application\\controllers\\IndexController.php","Line":8},"I'm at indexAction"]|

In production we wouldn’t get anything since this code would filter out debug logging, due to the resources.log.stream.filterParams.priority setting in the production section in application.ini.  Simple.  Done.

via e_schrade.

Transparent Logging with Zend_Log

Lebesold publishes another screencast; First of all, I’d like to thank you all for your patience! Zendcasts takes quite a bit of time and research to put together and I’m deeply touched by all your support.
On a personal note, my wife and I are heading out of North America in a week to visit Namibia and South Africa for 3 months. I’m going to do my best to keep up Zendcasts on a weekly basis, however my connectivity and upload speed will be limited. We’ll see how it goes!

Now for today’s episode:

I was working on a project for a client the other day and noticed a couple of lines in the ErrorController for automatically logging errors with Zend_Log. In 10 minutes, you can have a fully integrated logging framework. I also implement a singleton pattern for reusing your Zend_Log configuration (defined in the application.ini) anywhere else in your application.
Grab a copy of the project or browse the repository.

Watch @ Zendcasts.